Product markets outlook reports
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Product markets outlook reports
Europe gas supply mix: 2019 in review
In 2019, the global LNG markets were over-supplied, and Europe's LNG imports grew by 60% compared to 2018. The European market pulled all the avail...
Europe gas supply: 2016 in review
Market fundamentals in Europe tightened in 2016. Gas demand increased by 29 bcm year-on-year, supported by coal retirals in the UK, high coal price...
Martha Hill (Waihi) gold mine
The mine is located within the town of Waihi, 150 kilometres southeast of Auckland, New Zealand. Martha open pit operations are currently suspended...
Marvel Loch (Southern Cross) gold mine
The Southern Cross operation managed by Minjar Gold is centred around Marvel Loch, located 375km east of Perth, Western Australia, and 32km south o...
Matilda (Wiluna Restart) gold mine
The Wiluna mining operation is comprised of 20 open pits and three underground mines spanning four distinct mining centres being Wiluna, Matilda, L...
Mauritania Senegal - Bove exploration basin
Early exploration in the basin focused on the Tertiary deepwater play. The 2001 Chinguetti discovery created initial excitement that was short live...
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