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BOPET Film Global Supply Demand Study to 2022
An essential dataset for anyone wanting a detailed understanding of the world BOPET film industry, and is seeking to minimise risks in their planni...
Cash and Chemicals - Impact of demonetisation on India's petrochemical industry
On November 8, Indian prime minister Narendra Modi shocked the financial system of the country when he announced the demonetisation of high denomin...
Coronavirus and Petrochemicals – Impact on Global Ethylene Markets
Our polymer team examined the changes in demand due to the pandemic response for different polymer types. This insight assesses the impact of the p...
Coronavirus and polymers - a week in transition?
The world is different, now. The plastics industry was bright-eyed and optimistic heading in to the new decade. The protracted trade war between th...
Webinar: Global benzene and styrene markets: new perspectives on overinvestments
While massive capacity expansions across the global benzene and styrene value chain are projected to deteriorate industry margins, recovering econo...
Europe Propylene: USA or UAE to help close the monomer supply gap?
The European “supply gap” for propylene monomer started to develop in 2017. At the same point in time, many market participants in Europe were look...
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