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What impact could reuse models have on packaging polymers?
In this edition, we explore the issue of application redesign, and the extent to which reuse models might impact polymer demand. Reuse approaches c...
Uzbekistan methanol-to-olefins (MTO) plans
Recent announcements from the Uzbekistan Ministry of Energy indicate further development steps towards the construction of a new methanol-to-olefin...
Polymer Demand: A Sectoral Outlook
As sustainability and circularity becomes fundamental to the future of the polymers industry, traditional plastic demand end-use applications are f...
Webinar: is regionalisation the path forward for PX and PTA markets?
From the lockdowns in China to rising inflation and energy costs in Europe, crude prices volatility, and high ocean freight rates… All of these fac...
INEOS approves building of new steam cracker and PDH plants in Europe
Today INEOS has approved a €2.7 billion capital project to build both a world scale ethane cracker and a PDH (Propane Dehydrogenation) unit in Nort...
European steam cracker feedstock transitions and impact on propylene supply
European feedstock transitions have been primarily driven by an attempt to increase ethylene cost competitiveness. Some specific cases for ethane h...
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