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South Africa retail fuels long-term outlook
South Africa is a net importer of road transport fuels and relies significantly on its robust import infrastructure. The country’s largest refinery...
ExxonMobil sells Fos sur Mer; Why are oil traders bullish on refining whilst majors divest?
Recent global refinery transactions reflect a trend among oil majors divesting non-strategic assets to focus on high-grade portfolios. In Q3 2024, ...
Morocco retail fuels long-term outlook
The Moroccan retail fuels sector is highly concentrated, with the top four players controlling around two-thirds of the market. Following the closu...
Oil products price forecast mid-month update September 2024
The excel files associated with this report provide a mid-month update to our short-term products prices and margins forecasts. Prices and margins ...
Estonia retail fuels long-term outlook
Estonia's downstream oil sector entirely relies on imports, mainly from Lithuania and Finland. The transport sector accounts for over half of all r...
Can China achieve self-sufficiency in paraxylene?
Large Chinese polyester producers are incentivised to build their own PX assets after reaching PTA self-sufficiency in 2016 as they wish to capture...
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