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Paroo Station lead mine
The Paroo Station mine was an operating mine located in the mining district close to Meekatharra in West Australia. The mine produced a single lead...
Shalkiya Restart zinc mine
The Shalkiya mine first started operating in 1963. Underground mining continued between 1986 and 1993. The present owner is looking at restarting o...
Florida Canyon (Bongara) zinc mine project
Florida Canyon is a high-grade zinc Mississippi Valley type deposit containing associated lead and silver. It is a significant greenfield project t...
Colquisiri zinc mine
Colquisiri operates a polymetallic underground mine and a 1.7kt/d ore conventional differential flotation concentrator. The copper, lead and zinc c...
Dongshengmiao Wancheng zinc mine
The Dongshengmiao deposit is exploited by three companies each with its own processing facilities. Wood Mackenzie’s asset reports are built from th...
Bolanos zinc mine
In 2015, Bolaños operated the El Alacran underground mine and a conventional Pb-Zn flotation plant, with an actual capacity of 35kt/month (420kt/a)...
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