
US Upstream week in brief: Shale for sale as BHP plans US onshore exit

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BHP plans to divest its entire onshore US portfolio following months of strategic review and activist pressure. All options for this exit are on the table including a demerger, piecemeal divestments, an asset swap or an IPO. Further M&A deals also occurred across the Lower 48 with Sanchez in the Eagle Ford and Alta Mesa in the Mid-Con. Activity at the US Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 249 was led by Shell with nearly 20 bids. Elsewhere onshore, US rig counts declined for a third consecutive week.

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This report includes the following images and tables:

  • US oil and gas dashboard
  • Horizontal rig count stats
  • Deepwater US GoM rigs

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  • Document

    US Upstream week in brief: Shale for sale as BHP plans US onshore exit

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