
Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: Brazil looks to cash in quick with pre-salt terms

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In the May edition of our fiscal month in brief' report, we highlight the main stories affecting global upstream fiscal terms and provide context for these developments. Changes in fiscal terms: Australia restricted export LNG. Azerbaijan issued its first RSC, and Brazil gave details on it's upcoming pre-salt PSC.  Ongoing fiscal discussions:  Australia completed its PRRT review, Ecuador announced a PSC instead of it's usual service contract, Nigeria made headway towards fiscal reform, and Romania deregulated household gas prices.  Russia began testing more profit-based taxes.  Licensing: New rounds were launched in Newfoundland and Labrador, China, and Georgia.

Table of contents

  • Fiscal and Licensing activity (April 2017)
  • Changes to fiscal terms: existing assets
  • Changes to fiscal terms: new licences
  • Notable developments in ongoing fiscal discussions
    • Licensing round launches (3)
    • Licensing rounds ongoing (25)

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: Brazil looks to cash in quick with pre-salt terms: Image 1
  • Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: Brazil looks to cash in quick with pre-salt terms: Table 1
  • Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: Brazil looks to cash in quick with pre-salt terms: Table 2

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    PFL MiB Licensing 201704.xls

    XLS 322.50 KB

  • Document

    PFL MiB OngoingDiscussions 201704.xls

    XLS 235.50 KB

  • Document

    Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: Brazil looks to cash in quick with pre-salt terms

    PDF 502.48 KB