
M&A market update: November 2017 - deal flow grows in RoW

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Deal activity strengthened for the second consecutive month, as North America held broadly constant and deal flow picked up elsewhere. Deal spend also increased. Valuations remain centred around the mid-US$60/bbl mark. This Insight contains a snapshot of high level trends in the upstream M&A market, and a summary of major deal activity – both announced and rumoured – during November 2017. In this M&A monthly market update: a review of upstream M&A trends; a summary of the month’s biggest announced deals; commentary on the current Deal Pipeline (potential/rumoured deals)

Table of contents

  • The month in brief
    • Trends
    • Headlinedeals: announced
    • North America
    • Rest of the World
    • Headline additions
    • Notable updates
  • Other
  • Appendix

Tables and charts

This report includes 10 images and tables including:

  • Weighted average Implied Long-Term Oil Price vs. Brent oil price
  • No. of deals in Pipeline by region/resource
  • Value of deals in Pipeline by region/resource
  • Monthly spread between Brent and the Implied Long-Term Oil Price vs. deal count vs. deal spend
  • Monthly deal count North America vs. ROW
  • Monthly deal spend North America vs. ROW
  • Monthly deal count by region ROW
  • Monthly deal spend by region ROW
  • Implied Long-Term Oil Price (deal by deal) vs. Brent oil price
  • Global M&A – November 2017

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    DOWNLOAD_Monthly_Market_Update_November_2017.xls (1)

    XLS 832.50 KB

  • Document

    M&A market update: November 2017 - deal flow grows in RoW

    PDF 542.77 KB