
Making the Carnarvon basin great again: Collaboration

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The Australian LNG industry has a long track record of corporate ego thwarting logical collaboration, resulting in billions of dollars of value destruction. But big plans are now afoot to open up upstream and LNG infrastructure across the Carnarvon basin to third-party gas. Will it be different this time? Wood Mackenzie has reviewed and quantified the benefits associated with collaboration across the following infrastructure: 1. Pluto LNG's offshore facilities 2. An interconnector between the Pluto LNG and the North West Shelf LNG plants 3. Third party use of a Trans-Carnarvon Pipeline

Table of contents

  • Can big players lose the ego and create value by playing nice?
  • What is driving the pipeline proposals?
    • Opportunity 1
    • Opportunity 2
    • Assumptions:
  • Field details
  • Which wet gas fields are most likely to benefit from the development of third-party infrastructure access?
  • Which dry gas fields are most likely to benefit from the development of third-party infrastructure access?
  • Beneficiaries from collaboration
  • What else is required for collaboration in the Carnarvon to become a reality?
  • What is next?

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • NWS ullage
  • Carnarvon Basin
  • Wet gas fields
  • Dry gas fields
  • Wet gas valuations
  • The additional value created from Clio-Acme collaboration
  • NWS ullage scenario, where Browse start-up is delayed by three years
  • Dry gas valuations
  • Additional value created by dry gas collaboration
  • Pluto Project remaining PV10 post collaboration

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Making the Carnarvon basin great again: Collaboration

    PDF 1.53 MB