
Forties supply chain winds down amid the coronavirus pandemic

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Our Genscape colleagues look at the coronavirus impact on the Forties system. A vast network of over 50 offshore oil fields, four pumping stations, refining, storage, and 209 kilometers of onshore pipeline make up the Forties oil network. This region is rumored to have frequent technical challenges, production difficulties, and last-minute cargo shipment delays or changes. Through daily reporting, swift alerting, and a snapshot of oil storage, pipeline flow, shipments and refinery activity, Genscape provides clarity into an opaque market.

Table of contents

  • Monthly flow lower during March and April
  • Hordes of Aframaxes load and anchor
  • Grangemouth refinery run cuts

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Aframax Advantage Award loading at Hound Point on 5 May

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Forties supply chain winds down amid the coronavirus pandemic

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