
Asia-Pacific Upstream Service Q4 2016 update 

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In our Australian CSG-LNG project analyses, we have included more detailed production and costs data for each of the supply areas. The sixth and final LNG train, APLNG Train 2, was brought online in late-September. Offshore China, Husky and CNOOC Ltd have agreed to a 13% price reduction for gas sold from the deepwater Liwan development. Wood Mackenzie has also enhanced its GEM functionality to value incremental projects. In Asia-Pacific incremental valuation is now available for the Baram Delta EOR project in Malaysia (FID expected late 2016), Madura Strait and Madura Offshore PSCs in Indonesia, and the D6 Area in India. We have reviewed and updated our outlook for 144 upstream assets, 13 LNG assets in 14 countries. 

Table of contents

  • Asia-Pacific Upstream Service Q4 2016 update

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Asia-Pacific Upstream Service Q4 2016 update : Image 1

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Asia-Pacific Forecast Change Q4 2016 vs Q3 2016.pdf

    PDF 129.56 KB

  • Document

    Asia-Pacific Upstream Service update - Q4 2016

    PDF 335.57 KB