Asset Report

Frederick Brook shale gas unconventional concept play

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Frederick Brook shale gas-in-place has been estimated to be as high as 600 bcf per square mile, based on cores and log analysis. The shale was deposited in a continental lacustrine environment and is one of the few non-marine shales being explored within North America. The primary operator, Corridor Resources, holds approximately 195,000 net acres. However, a hydraulic fracturing moratorium has limited exploration.

Table of contents

  • The Opportunity
  • What to watch
    • Unconventional regulations
    • Hydraulic fracturing moratorium
  • Fiscal terms

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Frederick Brook shale play in Eastern Canada. Play area is shown in pink, conventional fields in red, and gas pipelines are marked with dark red.

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Frederick Brook shale gas unconventional concept play

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