Asset Report

Bowland-Hodder shale gas unconventional concept play

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The shale gas industry in the UK is in is nascence, and since seismic activity was observed due to hydraulic fracturing in 2011, all unconventional exploration has been heavily scrutinised. The Bowland-Hodder shale gas unconventional play, which spans the Midlands, is the primary focus for onshore unconventional players. Indigenous gas supply is in natural decline, and with an increased reliance on imports, the government could look to shale gas to retain an element of energy security

Table of contents

  • The opportunity
  • Fiscal terms
  • Environment/regulation
  • Water procurement/disposal
  • Supply chain
  • Supply chain

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • UK Bowland-Hodder Shale Map including licenced areas

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Bowland-Hodder shale gas unconventional concept play

    PDF 1.33 MB