
Downstream oil in brief: UK to ban new gasoline and diesel car sales by 2030

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

During 2020 so far, less than 10% of cars sold in the UK have been BEVs. Getting to 100% will require a huge effort across the entire supply chain, as well as ensuring that there is enough fast-charging infrastructure available. Should the legislation be successful, it will only further accelerate the decline for traditional carbon-based road transport fuels. This will prove a challenge for fuel retailers as EV charging beyond major highways and trunk roads is not necessarily well suited to forecourts.

Table of contents

  • How will road fuel demand be impacted?
  • What challenges will have to be overcome?
  • What will this mean for fuel retailers?
  • Summary
  • Refining margins strengthen in October but set to trend downward through the rest of the year
  • Marketing margins remain high as wholesale costs continue to remain weak

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • NWE refining margins
  • NWE gasoline/gasoil crack spreads
  • Med refining margins
  • Med gasoline/gasoil crack spreads
  • Main products: monthly gross margins
  • Germany gasoline gross retail margin
  • Germany diesel gross retail margin
  • UK gasoline gross retail margin
  • UK diesel gross retail margin

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Refining Margins.xls

    XLS 391.50 KB

  • Document

    Downstream oil in brief: UK to ban new gasoline and diesel car sales by 2030

    PDF 1.05 MB