
Downstream oil in brief: is success in Mexican fuel retail in the pipeline for investors?

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Mexico is an underserved retail market with a relatively small service station network of around 12,000 sites compared to its population of over 130 million people. This, combined with growing demand for transport fuels, makes it an attractive market for investment. It is particularly the case for those companies that are looking to secure product offtake from their refineries. Despite the obvious opportunities, there are challenges due to an underdeveloped and constrained midstream sector which is in need of investment. However, over time we expect to see this change which would make fuel retail in the country more profitable in the longer term.

Table of contents

  • What makes Mexico an attractive market?
  • What are the challenges?
  • Is it possible to succeed in the market?
  • Conclusion
    • Refining margins: Philadelphia Refinery closure to add strength to weak gasoline cracks as exports set to increase to US East Coast
    • Retail margins: pump prices lag a wholesale price collapse, as margins surge
    • Poland and Turkey: contrasting margin trends for Europe's last growth markets
  • Client feedback

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Proximity to US Gulf Coast refining centre
  • Fuel logistics infrastructure and transport costs
  • NWE refining margins
  • Med refining margins
  • MED gasoline/gasoil crack spreads
  • NWE gasoline/gasoil crack spreads
  • Average weighted gross retail margins
  • Turkey: diesel gross fuel margin
  • Poland: diesel gross fuel margin
  • Turkey: gasoline gross fuel margin
  • Poland: gasoline gross fuel margin

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Refining Margins.xls

    XLS 315.00 KB

  • Document

    Downstream oil in brief: is success in Mexican fuel retail in the pipeline for investors?

    PDF 2.58 MB