Market Report

US heating electrification outlook 2022-2050

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Heating electrification penetration in the United States will increase 28% by 2050 and will be driven by aggressive action on the coasts. The progress of electrification will be uneven and dependent on state, municipal and utility policies. Regions with significant state and municipal cooperation will electrify more rapidly than those with legislation in place prohibiting the adoption of natural gas bans in new construction. This report assesses the impact of state and local policies on electrification rates and penetration, as well as the regional effects of electrification on electricity demand and fuel consumption.

Table of contents

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    US heating electrification outlook 2022-2050_PR.pdf

    PDF 1.56 MB

  • Document

    US heating electrification outlook 2022-2050_Data.xlsx

    XLSX 293.23 KB