
Ethane prices almost double in two weeks but why?

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Ethane has been the talk of the town this week. Mont Belvieu ethane prices have gained 16.0 c/gal since July 1 and closed at 39.8 c/gal on July 18. The price spread to Henry Hub gas has increased from $1.1/MMBtu to $3.5/MMBtu in the same time frame. This unexpected price gain now has everyone wondering: “What’s causing this rally?”

Table of contents

  • Supply issues
  • Growing Domestic Demand

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Daily Ethane & Henry Hub prices
  • Heat content of Permian gas (Btu/cf)
  • US Gulf Coast Cracker Operating Rate

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Ethane prices almost double in two weeks but why?

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