Asset Report

Selebi Phikwe Closed nickel operation

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After making losses for a number of years, the Botswanan government finally decided that it would not continue to fund ongoing operations at BCL and as a consequence production ceased in October 2016. It is understood that BCL's liquidators will decide whether to try and sell the assets and pay off creditors or potentially return to production with a scaled back operation. The impact of the closure is the loss of around 20kt nickel in matte, although production had been below this level more recently. BCL's matte was sold primarily to Glencore for refining at Kristiansand, with smaller volumes going to Norilsk’s Harjavalta refinery and, historically, RioZim’s Empress plant (although shipments to Empress ceased in 2015 and the refinery is currently on care and maintenance).

Table of contents

  • Phoenix
  • Selkirk
  • Mining
  • Process

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Cashflow

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    SpkNi flow.pdf

    PDF 89.39 KB

  • Document


    XLS 278.00 KB