Asset Report

Paddington (formerly Kalgoorlie West) gold mine

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The Paddington operation, 100% owned by Chinese diversified miner Zijin Mining, is centred on the 3.73 Mtpa capacity Paddington mill, located 35 kilometres north of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. Mill feed is sourced primarily from lower grade open pit operations which is supplemented by smaller, high grade underground operations. Ore initially reports to the gyratory crusher, followed by a ball mill and a SAG mill, gravity recovery, cyanide leaching, a conventional carbon-in-pulp circuit, prior to electrowinning and smelting to produce a saleable gold doré.

Table of contents

  • Summary
  • Key issues

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Detailed map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Paddington (formerly Kalgoorlie West) gold mine

    XLS 144.00 KB

  • Document

    Paddington (formerly Kalgoorlie West) gold mine

    PDF 1.17 MB