Asset Report

Mikhailovsky GOK iron ore mine

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Mikhailovsky GOK (MGOK) is located in the Kursk region of Russia. It is the second largest open pit iron ore mine in Russia and is 100% owned by Metalloinvest. MGOK produces a 68% Fe concentrate and 66% Fe pellets. The mine has a beneficiation plant and 3 pellet plants. MGOK's pellet plant number 3 was commissioned in September 2015 bringing total pellet capacity to 15 Mtpa. Crushing and beneficiation plants can now handle more than 17 Mt of concentrate and the company has launched fine screening to increase the quality of merchant iron ore concentrate from 65% Fe to 67% Fe. In 2020, MGOK launched pilot production of premium quality iron ore pellets (DR-grade) to produce hot briquetted and direct reduced iron (HBI/DRI). In March 2021, Mikhailovsky HBI signed a contract with Primetals and Midrex for the development of the world’s largest HBI plant (capacity of 2.08 Mtpa).

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  • Document

    Mikhailovsky GOK iron ore mine

    PDF 1.77 MB

  • Document

    Mikhailovsky GOK.xls

    XLS 206.00 KB