Country Report

Global copper smelter and refinery cost summary

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In this update of the Global copper smelter and refinery asset summary, we examine the key trends and material developments impacting the industry. With this quarterly update, the weighted average DCC of costed smelters was revised to 19.1 c/lb Cu for 2024, an overall expected reduction of 1.4 c/lb Cu compared to 2023, underpinned by lower energy prices. Furthermore, backed by higher acid prices in 2024, sulphur credit is forecast to increase to 7.3 c/lb from 6.7 c/lb in 2023. Still, it will remain considerably lower than the 14.2 c/lb Cu registered in 2022. The average DCC of copper refineries reached 4.9 c/lb Cu in 2023 but is anticipated to fall to 4.7 c/lb Cu in 2024. The attached files include a summary report and two interactive data packs. This data can be easily manipulated using personalised tables and charts, allowing the user to focus on the custom elements of the smelter and refinery analysis. If you have any feedback or questions, please contact

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Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global Copper Smelter And Refinery Asset Summary Q4 2024.pdf

    PDF 642.30 KB