
Decarbonisation and electrification to drive needle coke for the next decade

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Wood Mackenzie attended ICCSINO’s 15th International Needle Coke and Carbon Materials Technology Development Forum in Kunming, Yunnan, China in November, alongside industry leaders including CNPC Jinzhou Petrochemical, Shandong Jingyang Technology, Shandong Yida New Materials and Shanshan. Key industrial trends and outlooks were discussed. Read more our in-depth analysis regarding the needle coke industry.

Table of contents

  • Steelmaking decarbonisation initiatives will support needle coke demand
  • Synthetic graphite anode to lead needle coke demand growth
  • China contributes the most to needle coke supply increment

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Capacity by contry (kt)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Insight Decarbonisation And Electrification To Drive Needle Coke For The Next Decade.pdf

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