
Webinar: ‘The energy transition: the scalability challenge’

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Wood Mackenzie’s Markets & Transitions practice webinar earlier this month consolidated the key messages from our 2019 energy transition outlook – the scalability challenge. In an engaging question-and-answer style format, the team responded to multiple industry questions: • What political and economic factors are impacting the energy transition landscape? • Is 100% renewables (RE100 %) in the power sector achievable? • ICE vs EVs – what drives Wood Mackenzie’s substitution forecast? • Is a hydrogen economy about to take off? • Where will capital flow: core vs emerging businesses? • What will it take for markets to get on a 2-degree trajectory? To see more detail, see our full pack, Global Trends - Energy Transition Outlook: the scalability challenge. Access to data within this insight, and within the webinar, will depend upon your subscription. Consolidated datasets will be available to global subscribers upon request.

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    2019_WM_Energy_Transition Outlook_webinar.pdf

    PDF 1.41 MB