
Q3 North America LNG projects update: US FIDs in 2019 surpass 30 mmtpa

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Three US projects have been sanctioned this year: Golden Pass, Sabine Pass Train 6 and, the latest, announced in August, Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass. Total effective US liquefaction capacity onstream or under construction now stands at more than 100 mmtpa. Could we see more FIDs on North American LNG in 2019? Several key projects are still targeting FID before the end of the year, including large-scale developments in the Gulf Coast as well as smaller projects on the west coast, in Canada and Mexico. Although each of them still needs to hit important milestones to proceed, a number are in a strong position to do so within the next twelve months. 2020 should be another big year for North America LNG, but the next to reach FID is becoming harder to call.

Table of contents

    • Key projects targeting FID in 2019
    • Key projects targeting FID in 2020
    • FERC Orders
    • Train start ups

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • North America LNG: Pre-FID marketing progress
  • Building momentum
  • FERC queue
  • US LNG terminal locations
  • Canada export order
  • Train start ups at Cameron, Elba and Freeport progressing but slower than expected
  • North America Terminal Start Date Assumptions

What's included

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    Q3 North America LNG projects update: US FIDs in 2019 surpass 30 mmtpa

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