
Momentum builds towards Calcasieu Pass FID

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On 18 July 2019, Venture Global announced it had received binding commitments from a group of thirteen Asian, European and North American project finance banks to provide $5.8 billion in debt to finance construction of Calcasieu Pass LNG. The announcement is a further positive step for a project we expect to reach FID this year. The debt will be sold down in the retail market and therefore financing has not yet closed. However, this is a strong commitment from a core group of banks that suggests Venture Global has circled the debt it needs to build the 10 mmtpa project.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • The second wave: recent FIDs & pre-FID marketing momentum

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Momentum builds towards Calcasieu Pass FID

    PDF 764.73 KB