
LNG contracting: why despite high spot prices it's still a buyer's market for long-term volumes

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The LNG contract market and LNG spot market are travelling in opposite directions. Spot prices presently average just over US$10/mmbtu for June delivery into North East Asia, their highest at this point in the summer for over six years, while oil indexed LNG sales prices have fallen to their lowest level in over ten years. Most legacy buyers in Asia are presently out of the market for new long term volumes and focussing on increasing flexibility in their LNG procurement portfolio. There are some buyers looking for term contracts, but currently there is more volume available for sale via long term contracts than there are buyers, leaving those buyers which are in the market spoilt for choice. Will this buyers’ market for long-term LNG continue? At the moment it seems so - read our report to find out why.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • 1. Historic: Asian LNG spot and contract prices (Nominal)
  • 2. Forecast: Asian LNG spot and contract prices (Real)
  • 3. Asia contracted vs total demand
  • 4. Uncontracted demand by region
  • 5. Uncontracted supply by status
  • 6. Uncontracted supply by plant

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    LNG Contracting Why Despite High Spot Prices It's Still A Buyer's Market For Long Term Volumes.pdf

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