Commodity Market Report

Global gas & LNG weekly summary: 5 September 2024

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The TTF front-month price fell by around a dollar as October became the front month, closing the week near $11.6/ mmbtu. Prices remain highly sensitive due to geopolitical tensions and shifts in Norwegian maintenance schedules. The week-on-week balance has tightened with heavy maintenance in the shoulder season, including delays at Norway's Kollsnes and Nyhamna plants and extended maintenance at Germany's Brunsbüttel LNG terminal. However, Germany's regasification capacity grew with the start of operations at the Deutsche Ostsee LNG terminal in Mukran.

Table of contents

  • >> The full report is available as a PDF in the Download section
  • Changes to schedule for Norwegian maintenance continues to weigh heavily on prices, whilst the Russian LNG sanction saga continues
    • >> The full report is available as a PDF in the Download section

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

  • Weekly European gas fundamentals
  • Weekly floating LNG storage and trade routes

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global Gas & LNG Executive Summary 20240905.pdf

    PDF 704.41 KB