
Mexico’s power interconnection queue: Health crisis and regulatory aftermath

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CENACE’s interconnection queue provides an idea of the current state of project development in the country. Although most of the projects in the pipeline will eventually be cancelled, this analysis provides a broader insight into where, when and which technologies developers are currently pursuing and how their interests have been adapting to changing market dynamics. Up to July 2021, 253.5 GW of projects have been submitted, with 74.9 GW subsequently cancelled, leaving 179.6 GW of ‘active’ projects. Overall, solar (47%), wind (18%) and gas (31%) comprise 97% of the entire queue. In this insight, we explore CENACE’s latest interconnection queue, examining the potential projects in the pipeline as market fundamentals evolve.

Table of contents

  • Technology storylines
  • Regional storylines

Tables and charts

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  • Document

    Mexico’s power interconnection queue.pdf

    PDF 8.12 MB