
Why is China’s enthusiasm for PDH investment unabating?

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Two new propane dehydrogeneration (PDH) units came online in China in July, taking the total number of operational PDH units in the country to 18. And with a wave of new projects starting up in the next few years, we expect PDH will account for a quarter of China’s total propylene production capacity by 2025. With investor enthusiasm for PDH showing no signs of slowing, this insight examines the popularity of this on-purpose technology, seeking to answer these questions: • What is driving China’s unrelenting PDH investment? • How competitive is China’s PDH compared to other propylene production routes? • Where does the propane feedstock come from ? • How will the PDH investment surge impact the international propylene market?

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • What is the current PDH situation in China?
  • What is driving continuous PDH investment in China?
  • Who is investing in PDH and how do they integrate with derivatives?
  • Where does the propane come from?
  • How is the PDH investment surge impacting the propylene market?

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • China propylene capacity development
  • China PDH vs. Rest of world PDH
  • China PDH units distribution
  • Margins for PDH and other propylene production routes
  • PDH derivatives in 2013-July 2020
  • PDH derivatives in August 2020-2025
  • China propane import

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Why is China’s enthusiasm for PDH investment unabating?

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