
Europe Propylene: USA or UAE to help close the monomer supply gap?

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The European “supply gap” for propylene monomer started to develop in 2017. At the same point in time, many market participants in Europe were looking to the USA as a potential structural supplier of propylene monomer. The supply gap is expected to be sustained until 2022/2023, until Europe brings online domestic PDH projects from INEOS/Borealis. Insufficient volumes are available within Greater Europe and so deep sea imports are needed. Some shipments of propylene from the USA have taken place on a spot basis through 2017 and into 2018. Although structural flows have not commenced and a high degree of risk is seen by many in Europe in importing propylene currently. This risk is primarily due to the longer-lead time and different pricing dynamics in Europe and USA. This insight explores the changes expected in the propylene balance in the United Arab Emirates in the near-term and whether the UAE can be an increasing supplier of propylene monomer into the European region.

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