Partnered Content

Going underground: reinventing resilience

In discussion with S&C Electric Company

1 minute read

The US is embarking on its largest investment in electrical infrastructure since the 1960s. Building a 21st-century grid requires broad collaboration. Together, utilities, regulators, government, industry and consumers have a unique opportunity to transform grid infrastructure and address the growing demand for sustainable and resilient electricity. 

Our new partnered report with S&C Electric Company – Going underground: reinventing resilience – explores how investment in innovative technologies can help the US modernize its infrastructure for long-term resilience. 

S&C Electric Company has been innovating grid infrastructure for more than a century. The company recently introduced the EdgeRestore® Underground Distribution Restoration System, the world’s first underground fault restoration system for residential neighborhoods. 

Within the report we explore: 

  • A snapshot of the current US grid infrastructure 
  • Planned investment  
  • The importance of weather resiliency 
  • Introducing the EdgeRestore® Underground Distribution Restoration System 

Download the report now. 

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