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DERMS: The Mission Critical Tool for the Energy Transition Era

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It’s no secret that the utility industry is undergoing massive change. Driven by decentralization of power generation, digitization and the changing role of the customer, today’s utility landscape is transforming at a break-neck pace. After 100+ years of delivering reliable energy, savvy utility leaders are re-positioning their organizations to remain a foundational piece of the energy landscape for the next 100 years.

In this paper, Generac Grid Services and Wood Mackenzie unpack the role of distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) in today’s utility landscape as it transforms at a break-neck pace.

Download the paper to learn:

  • Why DERMS are mission critical for utility leaders to unlock and embrace the value of DERs
  • How regulatory standards will evolve
  • How utility leaders should be preparing for DER-driven disruption