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Polyamide Film (BOPA)

Monitor polyamide film supply and demand and the factors influencing suppliers, film values and market demand.

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Identify growth opportunities and make informed investment decisions

Compared to biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate (BOPET) or biaxially-oriented polypropylene (BOPP) film markets, the global market for biaxially-oriented nylon (BOPA) film is very much a niche segment in terms of volume. Its major use is within mainstream flexible packaging where its superior puncture resistance, higher tensile strength, better temperature tolerance, and superior gas and odour barrier give it an advantage over competing film substrates.

Whether you are a nylon film or nylon resin supplier who needs film market forecasts, a substrate converter looking for growth opportunities or a flexible packaging company needing to make strategic sourcing decisions, our studies of the global nylon film industry provide a detailed analysis of the factors driving the market, allowing you to identify growth opportunities and make better investment decisions.

Features at a glance

For the biaxially-orientated polyamide (BOPA) industry, we offer a long-term service. 


Biaxially-orientated polyamide (BOPA) long-term service

Optimise your commercial strategy with an integrated view of long-term market dynamics and strategic insights of global chemical markets.

With our long-term service, we provide comprehensive insights into supply and demand trends and key growth drivers in the biaxially-oriented polyamide film market. The dataset for this report goes back to 2000 and includes a 5-year forecast of profiles of suppliers.

The long-term BOPA service includes:

  • Market volume statistics demand by film type, historic, and forecast
  • Detailed reviews of capacity, production, trade flows, and demand by major consuming market
  • End-use volume statistics by region / major country
  • Capacity statistics by producer
  • A forecasting tool to build your own demand scenarios
Designed to help you:
  • Gain long term insights into key demand growth drivers in regional polyamide film markets
  • Monitor global BOPA film suppliers and anticipate their investment moves
  • Anticipate trade in BOPA films with our supply / demand analysis
  • Monitor factors influencing film values
  • Understand the factors influencing inter-polymer competition and flexible packaging choice

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