
Wood Mackenzie Bangkok Energy Forum

Join us this October to discuss the issues facing the industry and listen to our experts give their latest views

Wood Mackenzie Bangkok Energy Forum, 2 October

The energy transition is now truly underway and the critical themes of renewables, electrification and sustainability are poised to totally transform the energy and commodities outlook globally. But what does this mean for Thailand and what opportunities and threats does the transition pose?

Join our experts discuss about this year's theme on 'Thailand's pathway through the energy transition". If you have any questions, please contact estrelita.chirayath@woodmac.com



8:30 AM  -  9:00 AM        Registration       

9:00 AM  -  9:10 AM        Welcome address           

9:10 AM  -  9:30 AM        Keynote address by Guest of Honour     

9:30 AM  -  9:50 AM        The energy transition’s scalability challenge        

9:50 AM  -  10:05 AM     Future of power markets: intelligent, flexible and adaptable        

10:05 AM  -  10:15 AM   Q&A     

10:15 AM  -  10:30 AM   Coffee Break     

10:30 AM  -  10:50 AM   What’s next for global LNG market? Surviving oversupply and exploring the next cycle     

10:50 AM  -  11:05 AM   Third party access for pipeline and LNG in Thailand: status quo to continue?        

11:05 AM  -  11:20 AM   PTTEP’s recent moves – a strategy to meet regional energy needs?          

11:20 AM  -  11:30 AM   Q&A     

11:30 AM  -  12:00 PM   Investing in integrated refining and petrochemicals through uncertain times        

12:00 PM  -  1:00 PM      Networking Lunch